Okay, sooo first, let me start off with an apology. I'm sorry for slacking on this blog. BUUUUUT, I've been super busy with, well, life. And here is why:
After travelling alone for 2 whole days, spending over 20 hours in the air, cluelessly hopping on foreign busses with non-English speaking drivers, and smelling like a dehydrated donkey, I found myself dropped like a hot potato in front of a hospital with nothing more than 1,000 won, my dead phone and two HUGE suitcases. I was told a man, that will not be named, would be waiting for me at Haeundae Paik Hospital to take me to my new home. I spent the duration of my flights (yes, flights is plural. Three to be exact) conjuring up potential scenarios of being kidnapped, smuggled into Thailand and forced into human trafficking. I finally woke up to an aggravated bus driver cursing me in Korean and tossing my suitcases on the curb. I assumed I had arrived... Just my luck, my employer was nowhere to be found. It was at this moment, I questioned my entire life and decision to move to South Korea, alone.
Now lets rewind about 3 months prior. 2015 has been a literal r o l l e r c o a s t e r for me. I've experienced the highest of highs, the lowest of lows, new places, have ended many toxic relationships and, in turn, built the most valuable relationship of them all - with myself. I've been told I'm a drama queen, and I could agree..sometimes. But, this is one of the most dramatic things I've done. I needed change...
I had just graduated university in June, and instead of feeling free, I became extremely anxious and obsessed with planning my life out. After weeks of searching future career paths online, I realized that I spent waaaaay more time on tripadvisor and studying my globe than anything else. I needed to get out and experience a new way of life. Long story short, I managed to score a full time position as a teacher at a hagwon (a private school) in South Korea. My contract is one year in length, SALARIED may I add, and ultimately serves as a golden ticket to travel Asia AND make money.
It's been about 3 weeks since I've arrived and I am already falling for Korea. I've ate way too much gimbap for my intestines to handle, sang drunk karaoke at odd hours of the night at a Noraebong, binge drank Soju like the Koreans (this shits only like $1.50!), and most importantly, became acquainted with my cute ass students (I exploit their cuteness on Snapchat - brxdy). South Korea is b e a u t i f u l, the culture is one of a kind, and I feel like I'm living in a video game half of the time.
Gwangali Beach, Busan, South Korea
Although I'm super busy settling into my new apartment (first time living completely alone, am I grown!?), adjusting to my new teacher lifestyle and familiarizing myself with the curriculum, I've made this blog a priority and will be posting weekly content on life and working abroad. To anyone who has debated working abroad and/or teaching overseas, DO IT! Try new things, leap out of your comfort zone and LIVE LIFE, Dora style.
Feel free to shoot me questions on my "Ask" page and I can answer FAQ's in a new post. AND, check in every Tuesday and Thursday for new blog posts.
Peace & Love, Stay positive; xo.
Busan Firework Festival 2015